Tag: Reading

  • 2024-04-26 How to Read Difficult Texts, Part 2

    Last week, I recommended that students should approach difficult texts by slowing down, reading sentence by sentence, and refusing to move on before they have thoroughly understood what has been said. At other times, the very best way to start understanding something is to immerse yourself in a huge flood of it. This is common advice for foreign languages. Just expose your mind to large volumes of the desired language without bothering to understand each and every word.

  • 2024-04-19 How to Read Difficult Texts, Part 1

    I teach philosophy, and my students often come into my classes with the expectation that the texts we read will be difficult, dense, and impossible for them to fully comprehend. They're right.

  • 2023-08-18 Reading for Wisdom

    Ancient cultures had a special wisdom literature, such as Proverbs or Ecclesiastes in the Bible, a literature which gives direct, sage counsel. To a great extent, however, all of ancient and medieval literature counts as wisdom literature. The authors frequently understood themselves to be passing on wisdom to their readers whether they wrote poetry or philosophical dialogues, and readers sought out literature as a principal means of becoming wise.

  • 2022-09-30 The Unread Library

    The only thing preventing me from reading every volume in my library is my death. It may come soon, in which case the number of unread volumes will be quite large. It may come many decades from now, in which case the number will be many times larger.

  • 2015-08-11 Going From Reading To Notes

    My process of taking reading notes and getting them into my zettlekasten.

  • 2015-08-10 Sertillanges - What I Think

    'I read, and I write while reading; but...'

  • 2015-07-01 Electric Archaeology

    A link to Shawn Graham who is using my Skim to Markdown scripts.

  • 2014-07-06 Levels of Reading

    Thoughts on distinguishing different depths of reading and adjusting your habits accordingly.

  • 2014-07-05 Why I Use Skim

    The advantages of this wonderful PDF reader form OSX.
