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He Who Seeks to Save His Life:

Of all the many difficult sayings of Jesus, one in particular troubles my soul. He tells us that the one who seeks to save his “psyche” ends up losing it, but the one who loses it ends up finding it. I argue that this means much more than giving up one’s “life” in the final act of death, but rather involves the total and continual gift of one’s very self.

Source: md | Permalink:
Escaping Advertisement:

The modern attention economy bombards us with constant ugly branding that creates a continuous and cacophanous daily aesthetic experience for most people. In this post, however, I argue that we can escape the tyranny of this ugliness with just a little thought and effort.

Source: md | Permalink:
Levels of Knowledge:

Continuing our series on the basics of Platonism, we must distinguish between two different kinds of knowledge that are appropriate to sensibles and intelligibles. The former, Plato calls doxa a kind of knowledge based on the way things seem. The latter Plato calls episteme, a kind of knowledge based on the timeless understanding of intelligible patterns.

Source: md | Permalink:


If you would like to browse past essays from the Notebook, you can see the big chronological list in the Archive or you can browse through the list of Tags. In this notebook you can read my attempts to work out my ideas in a public space before they make it into the longer and more polished Essays.